Alan Gifford

Associate Editor

Alan might be a rookie in agriculture, but he's committed to mastering subjects such as the care of farm animals, diverse cultivation techniques and agricultural procedures, operating farm equipment, and understanding the economic aspects of agriculture, among many other things.



Allan has joined the Agronomag team in August 2023 as the new Associate Editor. As a newcomer to the field of agriculture, he has been devoted to learning everything there is to know about livestock management, different farming practices, machinery, agricultural economics and more.

Originating from a small town in Australia, he completed his studies at the University of Queensland a few years ago. While at university, Alan was actively involved in the student-led news publication, taking on roles as a writer, editor, and ultimately the managing editor.


Alan has a degree in Journalism from the University of Queensland.

EXPERTISE: Livestock management, farm machinery, sustainable farming
EDUCATION: University of Queensland
LOCATION: Queensland, Australia
TITLE: Associate Editor

About Agronomag

Founded in late 2016, Agronomag quickly became the go-to source for some of the most inspiring and practical insights in the world of farming and agriculture. We now help more than 60,000 people every month find the information they need, from sustainable farming practices to timeless techniques, for small-scale family farms and advanced agribusinesses. Learn more about us and our editorial process.

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