If you are on the cusp of making a change in both your diet and your lifestyle then you’ve come to the right place, as we have dedicated our lives towards becoming the best version of ourselves that we can be one step at a time.
While we are nowhere near perfect either, we have amassed more than enough knowledge to pretty much be able to guide you towards making the same changes in your life that you keep telling yourself you should make.
So, for this short guide we have decided to bring you a top 20 of the absolute best and easiest vegetables to grow in your garden.
While some are definitely better than others, we always recommend that you use as many different options as possible to make sure that your garden is never stale and that you can always look forward to your healthy meals by the end of the day.
With all of that being said, let’s not waste any more time and instead just hop right into our first pick of the day:
20. Arugula

Arugulas or rocket plants are very easy to grow and take care of, as long as you follow the directions properly. Just make sure that you always grow your arugula in cold weather, otherwise it’ll falter away and you’ll be left with nothing by the end of the day.
Plant the seeds into the ground and use a little bit of fertilizer and you should be fine for now, just keep the cold weather in mind to maximize your produce here.
19. Kale

The best part about kale or leaf cabbage is definitely the fact that it is very easy to grow, but on top of that you can also harvest it all year round with ease. It is one of those veggies rich in nutrients that will never be hard to take care of regardless of who you live, which is due to its extremely hardy nature.
It can withstand any sort of weather out there, especially cold weather, which not a lot of other veggies can handle with ease.
18. Zucchini

This is one of the best options for the beginner farmers out there, simply because it pretty much requires no real help from humans to actually grow to its maximum potential.
The zucchini’s only real downside is definitely its overabundance, as once you plant one in your garden you will pretty much never be able to get rid of them, unless you completely clean up the whole plot with your own hands.
17. Beets

Beets are absolutely delicious, but the trick to making them taste incredible is to always grow them yourself, because the store-bought ones are just really not holding a candle to the deliciousness of the home-grown ones.
Besides, you should also know the fact that beetroots are very easy to take care of, and as soon as you put them you won’t have to do much to help them grow, they’ll do most of the job for you from here on out.
16. Swiss Chard

A less popular vegetable here for sure, the Swiss chard still more than makes up for its lack of popularity by being one of the best low-maintenance veggies out there, while also being one of the most resilient options you could go for, if you live in a rather abnormal weather to say the least.
Even so, you should keep in mind that the Swiss chard is one of the most delicious and nutritional veggies on the market so if you can we always recommend adding it to your diet as soon and as often as possible.
15. Peas

You will need to start planting your peas around 2 weeks or so before the average last spring frost, because that is when they can truly thrive with ease.
We recommend that you sow a lot of different varieties also, just because this will offer you a constant supply of peas that will never fail to satisfy you.
14. Bok Choy

What used to be a purely traditional food item for Asian cuisine soon spread all across the globe, due to how easy it is to grow and how delicious and nutritious of an option it really is.
The best part about Bok Choy is definitely the fact that it can come in all sorts of different shapes and colors, and while we’re on this subject, you should definitely check the taste out for different Bok Choy leaves, simply because they all appear to have their own unique flavor which is always cool to see.
13. Broccoli

Coming up next, we have Broccoli, by far any bodybuilder’s favorite meal and worst nightmare all at the same time, especially considering just how many different ways there are to cook it and more specifically, how easy it is to grow in the first place.
There are quite a lot of different broccoli varieties out there also, which just makes it all the better when you do get to grow your own, and you can see which one you did get from the shop, unless you specifically got the Calabrese variety or any other specific type.
12. Potatoes

The cool thing about potatoes is definitely the fact that you can grow as many as 10 different potatoes out of a single seed potato, which makes this a great option for anyone that wants to make a huge return, while also not putting a lot of time and effort into actually growing the veggies to begin with.
On top of that, potatoes are just really easy to grow, you just need to water and fertilize them accordingly, and for the most part they should be good to go until you have to start harvesting them altogether.
11. Onions

Many gardeners actually believe that growing your very own onions is quite tough, especially if you’re new to gardening to begin with, but we’re here to tell you otherwise.
When cultivating onions, you just need to make sure that they get plenty of sunlight throughout the day. As long as you have that part settled, you don’t really need to do anything else other than the basics that apply to any other veggie out there.
10. Cucamelons

This one may come off as a surprise to you especially since not a lot of gardeners even knew that these little veggie were real to begin with, but Cucamelons are actually not only very easy to take care of and grow, but they are also very delicious and super fun to meddle with on a daily basis.
Just look how adorable they are and on top of that you can immediately see where the appeal comes from, and why this has slowly become a bit of a fan-favorite option over the years.
Cucamelons look exactly like baby watermelons that are the size of small cucumbers and as far as their taste goes, they’re a bit on the sour end, which is always a surprise to anyone’s first time tasting a Cucamelon.
9. Tomatillos

While we’re on the topic of brand-new veggies that have taken the world by storm already, we definitely need to bring to Tomatillos to your attention, simply because we are still in shock that these even exist to begin with.
On top of being very aesthetically pleasing though, tomatillos also make for a great addition to your farm or garden, simply because of how easy they are to take care of to begin with.
They’re very simple to take care of, many have even gone as far as to call them slightly green tomatoes because of their similarities and honestly, we’re all for this comparison because we love both equally to say the least.
8. Tomatoes

The difference between store bought and natural home-grown tomatoes is just insane when you think about it, it’s almost like you’re tasting two different vegetables that have nothing to do with one another.
On top of being absolutely delicious though, tomatoes also make for some of the easiest vegetables for you to grow, as they only need around 4-6 weeks of indoor time, before being taken outside where they can start growing on their own.
We should also mention here how tomatoes come in pretty much any shape, size and color whatsoever, and because of it they’re also great additions to your garden if you’re looking for something purely aesthetic, to make it look all the better to visitors and clients alike.
7. Bell Peppers

Not only are bell peppers extremely flavorful, but they are also some of the easiest vegetables for you to grow, which makes them the perfect candidate for any new farmer out there looking to literally “spice up” their garden.
The one thing that you should know about bell peppers is the fact that they absolutely can’t get enough of the heat, they thrive off of it no matter how hot it is outside. So, you should remember that when you first plant them and wait up after the threat of frost has completely passed.
Place them in the sunlight around 4-6 inches apart and you can immediately see your hard labor paying off, especially if you water them regularly and use fertilizer on a monthly basis to support their growth.
6. Root Vegetables

Most root vegetables are very easy to grow and that is mostly due to the fact that they can be directly sown into the ground or you can instead opt for a container and just grow them there.
When we say root vegetables, we mostly refer to radishes and carrots as these are very easy to grow in containers and they are also known for being very delicious to say the least. Just make sure that you don’t overcrowd them and you’ll have a blast as you grow your own root veggies today.
On a second note here, we always recommend that you plant them in compost as that’s where they thrive the most.
5. Yellow Summer Squash

If you’re looking for a very easy to grow vegetable, that is also very healthy and delicious, you can’t go wrong with a yellow summer squash simply because it ticks off every one of those boxes that we just mentioned. You can either plant your squash seeds indoors or you can take this time and buy squash seedlings which will result in a much quicker harvest overall.
Just remember to always plant the squash with compost into well-drained soil. Since squash are generally very dependent on the sunlight you will need to make sure that they’re always in the sun, and while you’re at it give them more than enough room to thrive in.
As long as you water it and fertilize it properly you shouldn’t have any worries on whether the squash will grow properly or not, which makes this a very good option for both newcomers and professional farmers alike.
4. Cucumbers

Next up we have cucumbers, everyone’s favorite diet meal right here. The sad part about them is the fact that they are so popular as a diet food that a lot of people actually end up hating them altogether, which we totally understand.
If you’re not onboard with the taste then we highly recommend you go for another vegetable on our list, but if you do enjoy a good homemade dill pickle then you should definitely consider adding them to your garden as soon as possible. Cucumbers are great though because you can just plant them directly into your garden, or you can instead opt for a container to observe their growth better.
Regardless of what you choose, keep in mind the fact that they are meant to be grown during the warmest time of the year, so never start planting cucumbers during the peak of winter because they won’t grow anytime soon.
3. Green Beans

Green beans are also an absolute joy to grow in your garden, simply because of how easy they are to plant, maintain and harvest, and on top of that they do offer you quite an abundant amount of produce, considering how little investment you need to put into them to begin with.
The great thing about green beans is definitely the fact that they come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes, to the point where you will easily be able to find the perfect green bean for you to make you add them to every recipe out there.
We recommend checking out half runner green beans simply because of how tender they are, but if not, you can always go for the typical ones also. Overall though, green beans are just extremely easy to grow which is why they really did earn their spot on our list to say the least.
2. Spinach

Spinach is pretty much always going to be considered to be a good option for your garden, simply because of how low-investment of a vegetable it really is to grow.
Most farmers out there agree over the fact that growing spinach is the same as growing loose-leaf lettuce, and for good reason too, since the only thing that you need to keep in mind while growing spinach is whether they are planted in well-drained soil with compost or not and that’s it.
Just plant the seeds down and give them a little bit of room to grow for now. You can grow your spinach all year round and on top of that, spinach can easily take on most any climate out there including the coldest conditions imaginable, which is not something that we can say about a lot of other veggies out there.
Spinach is world-famous for being able to survive in temperatures as low as less than 15 degrees Fahrenheit (-10 degrees Celsius), which is where most any other veggie out there would have already been counted out for by now.
1. Lettuce

Let’s be honest here, was there even any question about which vegetable would go on the number one spot here? We all knew that it was coming and we all accepted it before we even started to consider an answer here and nobody can ever say otherwise either.
Lettuce is just the easiest vegetable for you to grow and on top of that it is also very inexpensive, which just adds to the numerous benefits of growing it to say the least.
Even though it does prefer colder environments, you should know the fact that it will easily keel over at around 45 degrees Fahrenheit (7 degrees Celsius) or lower, so definitely make sure that the room is at least warmer than that.

So, as we mentioned previously, this list was never meant to be a sort of an attack on you if you don’t like any of these veggies or if you find them annoying or hard to plant and take care of to begin with.
It is all just our own personal opinion on which are the easiest vegetables to grow and we do believe that everyone here is entitled to their own thoughts and so on and so forth.
This is why we would like to thank you for reading this far and we hope that our list managed to help you or make your day better by the time you started reading this.